Key marketing aspects to be successful in today’s marketplace
Before we get started please answer the question…Are you ready to handle your real estate or mortgage lead list? Calling and mailing takes time. Don’t buy anything until you have the plan and the time.
I hear a lot from first time clients. "I’ve heard telemarketing and direct mail works but I have tried it and got a very poor response." Most never take the time to find out why it didn’t work and then just continue on to a different form of marketing and repeat the same mistake again. A quality marketing firm will take the time to work with you to zoom in on what will work. There are no magic answers here, just a consistent approach based on trial and error. The most successful clients come back to us time and time again because they figured out what works and now it is easy for them.
I want to share with you the biggest reasons most people have not received optimal results from their telemarketing and direct mail campaigns and the quick and easy way to fix them so you can start generating some big money consistently.
Calling and mailing only once. A common mistake is calling or mailing to a group one time and then deciding if it works or not. Trust the data and test, test, test.
Market multiple times. Call and mail a list 5 times. Buy less and market more. Think about television ads. We see them so much it makes us sick, right? I’ve had clients use one list of 2500 names for over a year!
Don’t buy a large list and mail it one time. Don’t buy a large list and call it one time or even worse not be able to call through it even once. If you think you can call 3000 people in a month buy 1000 names and call them 3 times.
If you have a budget of $3000 for a mailer make sure that includes mailing out 5 times, not one time.
Response rates: People ask me all the time “what is your response rate?” Although it is important to receive responses from your marketing efforts it is even more important to calculate the number of closed deals, profit made and the overall cost of the campaign. ROI
Simple formula:
Number of responses
Number of closed deals
Amount of profit
Cost of program
Not having the right message. You must try to reach your prospects on an emotional level. That's the level we all buy in. So your message should show them how they can get the benefits from you, not the terms or dry numbers.
You must solve their problem and/or save them money all on an emotional level. No matter what people tell you we all make decisions based on emotion to a certain extent.
• CAN'T AFFORD YOUR MORTGAGE? There is a way to get out from under your costly mortgage. I’ll show you how with a FREE report.
• WOULD AN EXTRA $300 a month help you during these tough economic times? We can show you how to lower your monthly home payments, NOW!
• ARE YOU MAKING YOUR LOCAL BANKER RICH WHILE STRUGGLING JUST TO GET BY? If you are tired of making those costly payments contact me NOW and I will show you how to eliminate it forever!
Offer a free report with a toll free number for prospects to call. This will put you ahead of the competition and offer a high level of professionalism. is an industry leader.
Make sure to email and mail each interested prospect a detailed proposal answering all of their questions and laying out the plan for them. If they agree to receive the report that gives you the perfect follow through to move to the next sales step.
Make sure that you are targeting people who are the ideal prospects for what you offering. Renters or 800+ FICO homeowners are a waste of time and money.
Track Your Results. The only way you will truly be able to gauge your success is to track the results. The technology is available so use it. Call capture from dialers is a good way to monitor direct mail campaigns and use a lead tracking system like CRM's to track your pre-qualified, referral and telemarketing leads. You are wasting money if you are not diligently tracking everything.
Call to Action. Each telemarketing script or direct mail piece should contain a call to action or a deadline. It will be much easier to work with a motivated client who has a direct need with a deadline than someone who has a lot of time to think about their situation with no real need.
One of the biggest mistakes I see when revenue is down is to cut back on marketing. Marketing drives sales so reduces marketing equals less sales in most cases. When budgets are tight it is important to spend the marketing dollars very carefully and hone in on what will work and that will maximize your results. Spend wisely!
Calling times:
The best times to call for short sale and mortgage is M-F 5pm to 8:30pm and Saturday 10:00 am to 2:00pm
The best times to call for reverse mortgage is 10:00am to 2:00pm M-F